Noelanders Needle Juniper

This tree was originally styled in a certain young Italian Stallion’s workshop. It was over 35 years old when it was styled having been grown in a large container for most of that time and then in open ground for about 6 years. I have no pics of the original or of the original styling. It is about 2 ft tall.

The most important thing is that I hated it even when I was working on it. All the growth on the branches you can now see was upward and in a sort of windswept fashion. The best way I can describe it is that it was like The Medussa’s hair. Long, straggled and Yuk.

It was styled without any deadwood feature and the finished article was described as different. It was definately all that.

I brought it along to a Mark Noelanders workshop. He took one look at it an smiled wryly. As is his usual approach he asked the workshop for their ideas and give or take almost everyone came up with a variation of the following Marc Noelanders’ sketch.

This is the tree about 4 years later. Some branches are quite weak and I judge this is still a by product of the styling and restyling in less than 2 Years. Both were quite drastic but I was prepared to take the chance because I hated the original so much.

 The tree after almost total rewiring and placing of the twiggy growth.

Hopefully a heavy feeding program in will promote much more vigorous growth and backbudding to fill out the pads. I do think the tree has potential.

I have decided not to wire the lowest branch as it is very weak Better not to stress it too much now.

Unfortunately there has been rot at the base of the trunk at soil level. I have treated this with heavey lashings of Ronseal Wood Hardener. I have never used it before and I am very interested to see how it performs.

This tree presents yet another waiting game. As they say in Malawi. Pangono, Pangono. Slowly, Slowly.

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